Inspiration For Friday, October 26, 2012

Inspiration: I was falsely accused a few years back by a man and it hurt me because it was a blow to my integrity. Immediately after it happened, I heard God’s voice in my heart say: “Pray for those who persecute you.” At first it was hard to do, but I was obedient to the Word of God and prayed for that man. I now have compassion for him as I have seen some of the struggles he has gone through. The secret about forgiveness is to forgive and forget. Many people forgive but they do not forget the hurt and let those thoughts get them upset at a later date. How thankful we are for Jesus forgiving and forgetting our sins.

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Inspiration For Thursday, October 25, 2012

Inspiration: Many people argue that there is no such thing as hell. These people have not studied the Bible or else they would not take that position. A Bible teacher shared that hell was created for the devil which is explained in Matthew 25:41. God does not force a person to go to hell. He wants everyone to be with Him in heaven. God is good and everything bad is from the devil. The devil gets people to rebel against God. It is the rejection of Jesus that causes separation from God, so it is the responsibility of each individual person to choose their eternal destiny to be with Jesus in heaven or be in torments with the devil in hell.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inspiration: When I first read this scripture my thought was that sheep were smart enough to follow the shepherd’s voice, but Christians, including myself, don’t even know what the Great Shepherd’s voice sounds like. This gave me new insight into prayer and to be still before God, where I have a pen and paper always ready in case God wants to share something. God’s Word, the Bible, is the foundation for every Christian and He will never tell us anything that contradicts His Holy Bible.

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Inspiration For Monday, October 22, 2012

Inspiration: Some churches have become so blind that they say the Bible is just a history book. They preach from other historians rather than the Word of God and wonder why their congregations are dwindling. The blessed and growing churches are the ones who preach the Bible as God’s Word and give altar calls each service for people to commit their lives to Jesus. These churches have outreaches and help new people feel welcome by listening to their concerns so that their questions can be answered.

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Inspiration For Sunday, October 21, 2012

Inspiration: Christians who have not seen Jesus are blessed because they have received Jesus by faith and not by sight. One Bible teacher explained that this is the reason why Jesus did not stay on earth and show himself to everyone after His resurrection. Jesus could easily extend Himself to be a giant, taller than the mountains, put a sword in people’s faces and say: “Now, do you believe?” Everyone would say ‘yes’ in that situation, not out of love, but out of fear for their lives.

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Inspiration For Friday, October 19, 2012

Inspiration: I have made the mistake of criticizing people, and in doing so, verified that this scripture is true, since my criticism came back to slap me in the face. If you criticize, your words will come right back to you in the same area in your life. I learned that this can help me see my blind spots. As soon as I am about to criticize someone, I quickly stop myself and say: “Do I do that also?” The answer is often yes, and now my blind spot has been revealed.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Inspiration: I need joy all the time. There have been times in my life when I felt like the children of Israel going through the desert. After prayer, joy would come and revive me. This joy of the Lord would encourage me to be like Joshua and Caleb. They were leaders who crossed the Red Sea on dry ground that made it into the promised land. Real lasting joy comes from a deep relationship with Jesus Christ being thrilled with the plan God has for our lives. Joy and laughter destroys fear, stress and anxiety. Joy and laughter from God is what the world is looking for but more Christians need to ask the fullness of God’s joy.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Inspiration: Some people have criticized the church for not showing love and not having any more morals than they do. These people see one Christian denomination criticizing another denomination instead of loving them. They say the church is a bunch of hypocrites. I pray that these people will see Christian denominations work together as a team under one captain, Jesus Christ. I pray that Christians will love the lost with unconditional, unselfish love and have them look to Jesus as their example to follow.

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Inspiration For Sunday, October 14, 2012

Inspiration: There used to be a time in my life when I was ashamed of the Gospel of Christ as I was more concerned with my career and was afraid that people would label me as a religious fanatic. When I asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, God gave me boldness to share with my colleagues. I often went to lunch with one colleague at a time as they would be scared to open up if any of their peers were listening. God blessed my work at this firm making me valuable to the company.

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Inspiration For Saturday, October 13, 2012

Inspiration: One evangelist in Africa says intercession is the detonator to revival. Intercession involves praying in the spirit and praying this scripture so that the blinders would be removed from the non-Christian’s minds. This scripture says the god of this world (satan) is against the work of God. So powerful intercession involves binding (Mathew 18:18) all evil works and strongholds of the devil off the area and off the minds of the people so they would see the truth and see that the devil is out to ruin lives with sin. God’s plan is to give His forgiveness, love, peace, and eternal life to all mankind through His Son Jesus Christ.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Inspiration: A young boy grew up on a wheat farm. His father got sick one year and was not able to harvest his wheat. The boy was very disappointed thinking the whole crop would go to waste. However one day he heard the sound of engines, and was overjoyed to see the others farmer’s combines were harvesting their wheat to help them out.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Inspiration: A man in his 50s spoke to our men’s retreat. He shared his testimony that he had struggled with sexual sin for over 20 years. His audience could not believe that this man would humble himself as most people keep this kind of sin in the closet. God’s power broke him free of this habit when he went forward for prayer at a service. Now he is sharing his testimony all around the world.

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Inspiration For Monday, October 08, 2012

Inspiration: I have attended services in many denominations and in many countries. Some Christians prefer to close their eyes during worship to block out distractions while others were like spectators, more interested in looking to see who was there and what they were wearing. I found the growing churches have a worship mix of hymns (for the older generation) and modern worship songs (for the younger generation) and these churches have taught people to worship God in spirit and in truth.

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Inspiration For Sunday, October 07, 2012

Inspiration: A missionary doctor was in the jungle with his group and went for 3 days without food. They were constantly praying for a miracle when little cyclones appeared in the lake and fish were caught up in those mini cyclones and dumped on shore. The Christians praised God for this amazing miracle as Jesus provided food for them. The doctor said he was so hungry, he ate the first fish raw!

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Inspiration For Saturday, October 06, 2012

Inspiration: When I read this scripture I was convicted by God of some of the words that I spoke. Years ago, I heard a funny joke from someone and used to repeat it often. Then someone said my joke was racist. I was blind to see any prejudice in this joke. I had to ask forgiveness for saying words that could offend people of different races.

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Inspiration For Friday, October 05, 2012

Inspiration: At Bible College we were taught to use this scripture before going out on an evangelical mission. We would pray in the Holy Spirit for a long time before we started the outreach. During prayer we would ask for God’s power to descend on us for boldness and for miracles. During our prayer time, our team would sometimes get a vision of a door number or a place that we were suppose to go and visit. We would obey the Holy Spirit’s directions and bring the Word of God to that area. After we returned from these outreaches, we discovered that the more time we spent in prayer listening to the Lord, the more miracles we would see.

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Inspiration For Monday, October 01, 2012

Inspiration: Many adults do not have respect for authority and many children have been brought up to hate the police and government and pay no attention to the elderly. My mother said when she grew up, the policeman was everybody’s friend. He would direct traffic and all the children would say “Hi” to him while crossing the street. I praise God for the families I see that show respect to all people; they shine out as a beacon for others.

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Inspiration For Sunday, September 30, 2012

Inspiration: A man was taken to the hospital after being killed in a car crash. The doctor wrote out his death certificate. His wife believed God for the impossible. She had her dead husband put in a car and drove over to a Christian meeting which was over one day’s drive away. At this meeting, the Christians prayed for her husband and his heart start to get warm. As they kept praying, he rose from the dead before them all. Another miracle, concerning leprosy, was a man who had lost all his fingers along with his nose and ear lobes. After prayer, Jesus healed him by growing him new fingers, a nose and ear lobes

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Inspiration For Saturday, September 29, 2012

Inspiration: So many non-Christians I meet divert the issue of asking Jesus into their hearts by saying, “What about the other religions in the World?” This scripture says each of us must give our own account to God on whether we have accepted Jesus, confessing Him as Lord and Savior over every area of our lives, or whether we have ignored Him.

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Inspiration For Friday, September 28, 2012

Inspiration: Keeping God’s Word is not only obeying the Bible but doing what God puts in your heart. A Christian (who has built a University) takes around a pad and pencil everywhere he goes just to be ready to write down what God says to him. By writing it down he does not forget anything, and is able to refer to his notes to do what God says.

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Inspiration For Thursday, September 27, 2012

Inspiration: Over the years, one learns to take up the cross daily to crucify the desires and lusts of selfishness so that we can live more holy lives. Dying to self(self dignity and self reputation) was the hardest one for me. However, I found when you finally die to what others think of you, you are totally free to do God’s will without hesitation.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher explained that God allows temptations from the devil to make you strong in that area. Being strong is saying ” NO” in Jesus’ name to that temptation. God always leaves a way to escape temptation but He tests us to see if we love sin more than His laws. The more mature Christians see sin as destruction so they immediately hate the thought of sin and dismiss it out of their mind.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Inspiration: The power of God to transform lives is evident among my family and relatives. One person I know was a worrier and would give advice before he heard the other person’s point of view. After his conversion to Christ, he is showing signs of being able to follow this scripture, although it takes mental preparation to stop his mouth from speaking all it wants to speak.

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Inspiration For Monday, September 24, 2012

Inspiration: The Lord spoke to a man to call his former boss. This man dismissed the thought as his former boss had fired him over a year ago. The Lord spoke again and told him to call. The man said: “Lord, he could be anywhere. He owns seven houses around the world and I only have the phone number of only one of those homes.” The Lord said: “Call!” So he used the one phone number he had and got through to his former boss. This boss had a gun pointed to his head and was about to commit suicide. The boss gave his life to Jesus as they prayed together over the phone. The boss was rescued from hell just in time.

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Inspiration For Sunday, September 23, 2012

Inspiration: I praise Jesus when I hear of Christian Companies that use the Bible for their business principles. One large restaurant chain is closed on Sundays as the president is a Christian. Another firm has Bible studies during the day for all employees to attend if they desire. The president asks for the whole company to pray when he and the board of executives are making a major decision. All the board of executives are very generous to their employees giving them bonuses and paying for family trips at their expense.

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Inspiration For Friday, September 21, 2012

Inspiration: A man wrote a story of a beggar. This beggar was on the side of the road, cold and hungry. “Please give,” said the beggar and the Christian in passing gave to him. When the Christian went to heaven, Jesus said to him: “I was that beggar asking for food and you opened your heart and gave to me. If I came as a King and asked you for something, you would have responded out of duty, but responding to a beggar shows a heart full of love.”

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Inspiration For Thursday, September 20, 2012

Inspiration: The Parents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph are a good example of this scripture. Joseph was warned three times in dreams. The first dream was to take Mary to be his wife. The second was to flee into Egypt as Herod was about to kill the infant Jesus, and the third was to settle in Nazareth after returning from Egypt.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Inspiration: It is very important that all people in church leadership are baptized in the Holy Spirit. I have seen church sub groups, such as the praise and worship team or choir, struggle since they do not know how to flow with the Holy Spirit. This scripture shows that God wants to reveal His power and get all the glory. Mature worship leaders let the Holy Spirit do the leading so that each service is an intimate and powerful encounter with God’s presence.

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Inspiration For Monday, September 17, 2012

Inspiration: In the Old Testament, Joseph was a good example of this scripture. He was sold by his brothers as a slave to Egypt. He was falsely accused and ended up in jail for over two years. However, after he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, he became second in command of all of Egypt. It was God’s plan to send him ahead and prepare for a great famine. By God’s gift of the interpretation of dreams, the people were rescued from seven years of famine, including his family.

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Inspiration For Saturday, September 15, 2012

Inspiration: One church leader from Africa got a vision for his church to feed the poor. He filled a truck full of food and gave it to the orphan children begging along the road. At first, all the hungry children tried to climb onto the truck, but after they saw more food coming, they were more orderly in receiving the food. God has richly blessed this leader and given him funds to construct a new church facility to bless the whole community.

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Inspiration For Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inspiration: All of us are at different levels of Christian maturity. In the Book of Acts, the disciples were ready to give their lives for Jesus. Even today, missionaries are martyred for their faith. Others, living in rich countries find it hard to love other people and to believe in miracles. When I visited a poor country I saw people with great faith in Jesus. A girl had a knee twice the normal size. She came(limping) for prayer believing for a miracle. Right before our eyes Jesus shrunk the swelling and she walked away perfectly well. Jesus wants His love and faith taken to all nations, to all ages, to all races and to all colors.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Inspiration: When someone told me about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I was afraid of it and therefore avoided asking for it. But I was finally convinced by the scriptures that it was the will of God for all to have it. I took courage and asked for this baptism at the end of a service when the leaders were laying hands on people in prayer. I received it that night and was given a new heavenly prayer language. This gift has been such a blessing to increase my faith as this scripture says. It is so powerful not only because it is God’s gift, but because it increases our faith and makes our faith holy and helps to remove selfishness.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Inspiration: I was raised in a church that did not raise their hands during a worship service. When I went to a service where people worshipped God by lifting up their hands, I knew this was genuine worship but I had so much pride and self dignity I was afraid to lift my hands. I was challenged by the preacher to worship God in a way that would be pleasing to Him. It was then that I saw myself as a three year old stretching up my hands to God for a hug.

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Inspiration For Sunday, September 09, 2012

Inspiration: I met a man who was a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War. He told me that as he was landing his helicopter in Vietnam and letting his men out, almost all of them were immediately gunned down. This man has blamed himself for the lives of these men and has been an alcoholic ever since. When I prayed with him and told him that Jesus loved him and forgave him he began to cry and recommitted his life to Christ. He is now free from the condemnation of this past war tragedy.

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Inspiration For Saturday, September 08, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher explained “You are a spirit, you have a soul (a mind, emotions and will) and you live in a body. When you become a Christian, you get a new spirit making you born anew. However you don’t get a new mind nor a new body. The process of becoming more Christ like is to renew your mind to the Word of God as you let Jesus guide your life.

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Inspiration For Friday, September 07, 2012

Inspiration: A businessman had just become a Christian and started reading the Bible daily . One day at a restaurant, his brother asked him a question about going to heaven. This businessman didn’t know what to say and bowed his head and asked God “How should I answer this question?” As soon as he had finished asking God that question, he found himself saying: “If you confess me before men, I will confess you before the Father, if you deny me before men I will deny you before the Father.” The businessman man was amazed as it seemed God spoke Luke 12:8-9 word for word directly through him to his brother.

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Inspiration For Thursday, September 06, 2012

Inspiration: When some couples have marriage difficulties, one partner shares it with another person and often gets advice to arrange a divorce. This advisor does not hear the total story nor heeds the scripture: “What God has joined together, let no man divide.” More marriages could be saved today if the counselor taught people to love, forgive, pray and stop judging and criticizing.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Inspiration: One Ministry often says: “One word from God can change your life.” Bible teachers explain that there is the written Word of God (the printed words on the pages of the Bible) and there is also the rhema Word of God which is God speaking to you from the pages of the Bible. God speaks to people through the Bible if ones reads it slowly and asks the Holy Spirit to reveal its truth to them.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Inspiration: Many people have turned away from God so they can establish their own lifestyles and their own righteousness, and have found this results in emptiness. God speaks to people through the scriptures. There have been stories of people contemplating suicide in a hotel room and when they opened up a Bible and started reading, they put the gun down and let God save them. This scripture tells us the importance of hearing the Word of God. The Word of God is spirit and life to us and is God’s bond to us.

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Inspiration For Monday, September 03, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher challenged us to visit hospitals, to visit the sick, to read the Bible to the elderly in nursing homes, to visit prisoners in jail and to feed and clothe the poor. I had never visited prisons before so I was nervous about it at first. However I asked God for courage and went along with people who had done it before. After sharing the gospel with those in prison, I saw them as redeemed children of God. Later we went to a nursing home where we read the Bible which brought life to those elderly faces. In doing these things my eyes were opened to a hurting world as I saw how selfish I was in my own little world.

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Inspiration For Sunday, September 02, 2012

Inspiration: Gossip and slander run rampant in our day. The competitive nature in some people makes it easy for them to put others down or make a show of other’s mistakes. Some newspapers make a living out of printing gossip about celebrities. Christians are to be different. A man in my church refuses to be part of gossip and looks for ways to stamp out the problem before it grows worse.

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Inspiration For Friday, August 31, 2012

Inspiration: A Bible teacher explained that all Christians have been given the keys to the Kingdom of heaven, but most of them do not know how to use the keys. Jesus used many parables so that people would search for God and the truth. Through searching, God reveals the keys in the scriptures so that Christians use the knowledge for God’s glory and not selfish purposes.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Inspiration: A student was in need of a job. He spent over a year getting his skills up to date. When putting out his resume, his training opened doors to a new job. This man would have been content with a certain salary but God did over and above what he could imagine and blessed him with a salary over twice what he expected.

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Inspiration For Monday, August 27, 2012

Inspiration: A man lost his wife and eldest son in a car crash. A while later, he took a course on “How to share Jesus” and I sat beside this same man who has become a dear friend. When he shares his story of the tragic accident, he tells them: “I give thanks to God for the years I had with my wife and my son as those were gifts from God.” He was very close to his wife and family. People are amazed that he is not bitter or angry against God in any way. I have shared his testimony with many people who have lost a loved one for them to thank God for the time they had with that loved one. Each day we are alive, is a gift from God.

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Inspiration For Sunday, August 26, 2012

Inspiration: A passenger plane was circling the airport for a long time before the captain came over the intercom to prepare for an emergency landing. A Christian, on board, heard God ask him to pray for the plane’s landing gear. The plane made a perfect landing and all the passengers saw the runway lined with fire trucks. This Christian spoke to the pilots afterwards and pilots said the hydraulic fluid had leaked out of the landing gear so were attempting a belly land without wheels. However miraculously, they said, the landing gear came out and locked just as the plane touched down.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Inspiration: An evangelist who God used to heal thousands shared essential teachings of why he saw so many miracles including the supernatural healing of tumors and cancers. His sermons would emphasize the following: always hunger and thirst for more of God to avoid spiritual stagnation, spend hours in prayer to hear God’s voice to get knowledge how to pray for a sick person, always magnify the name of Jesus and never think you are a big shot, always expect an avalanche of God’s power when you pray, constantly study the Bible, and constantly ask for the Holy Spirit’s anointing power to be filled to overflowing.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Inspiration: A Christian rented videos that were not Godly to watch. This man justified it by saying that he was the only one watching the movies. He was convicted by God that not only were the movies he rented producing lust in his life, but he was setting a bad example to Christians who were working at the video store. He repented to God for his sins.

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Inspiration For Monday, August 20, 2012

Inspiration: In the Old Testament, Joseph was seventeen years old when he was sold into slavery and spent thirteen years in another country away from his family, with over two of those years in prison. Then at the age of 30, Joseph became second in command of Egypt. David’s faith was also tested for over a decade before he became King of Israel.

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Inspiration For Saturday, August 18, 2012

Inspiration: The Old Testament describes how Satan fell from God’s presence. Pride was the major sin as Satan wanted to exalt himself. Today’s society gives great glory to movies stars, celebrities, and athletes which only encourages more human pride. Although the sin of pride runs rampant, I was blessed to hear some famous athletes give God all the glory for their victories.

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Inspiration For Friday, August 17, 2012

Inspiration: An owner of several businesses had never been trained to listen to God as to what he should give in a situation. He just put $10 or $20 in the offering plate when it went by. One time, God asked him in a church service to give $5,000 in the offering and he couldn’t believe his ears. He wrestled with God but finally obeyed and wrote out a check for that amount. God has blessed him and his businesses richly for his obedience.

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Inspiration For Thursday, August 16, 2012

Inspiration: A missionary couple that looked after children in a camp were praying one day and received wisdom from God to pray the blood of Jesus around the perimeter of the property. They obeyed God and walked around the camp praying not knowing why they were praying this way. A few days later some dead foxes were found right on the perimeter of this Christian camp. When the authorities examined the foxes, they found all of them had rabies. This couple believed that the Blood of Jesus had protected them from someone who was trying to send in the rabid foxes to bite the children to close the camp.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inspiration: God loves to show how strong He is and a good example of this in the Old Testament is the story of Daniel. Daniel had been falsely accused and thrown into the lion’s den. In most cases, that person would have been eaten alive, but God’s eyes were on Daniel and God sent an angel to keep the lions’ mouths closed. Daniel received this prayer answer as his heart was righteous in the sight of God.

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Inspiration For Monday, August 13, 2012

Inspiration: A twelve year boy was reading the story in the Old Testament where Solomon asked God for the gift of wisdom. This boy thought he should ask God for a gift and that night he asked God for the gift of love not really knowing what he asked for. Years later when he became a man, this boy was so full of God’s love that he wanted to write love songs to Jesus similar to the songs in heaven.

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Inspiration For Sunday, August 12, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher says that this scripture is important for great faith. Calling things that are not as if they are, takes a step in faith that you believe God is going to perform something special for you before you see any physical evidence of it. One has to spend much time in prayer to see the answer to one’s request as that will keep your faith strong when there is a long waiting period for the answer to arrive.

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Inspiration For Saturday, August 11, 2012

Inspiration: Today’s society is influencing a lot of children to have no respect for authority or their parents. Subliminal TV shows portray children’s rebellion as funny, so children do not respect their teachers at school and even see the police (who protect them) as their enemy. However, I am happy to see that some Christians teach the right balance between discipline and love in their homes as well as respect for authority.

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Inspiration For Friday, August 10, 2012

Inspiration: Few are promoting purity today. Movies and TV are showing more and more scenes that make sex outside marriage seem attractive and exciting. Young and old Christians are exposed to magazines in stores that have women with virtually no clothes on. However, the good news is that Jesus is the healer. Jesus can restore anyone that has been sexually active in an ungodly manner back to purity again. One man who practised homosexuality wanted desperately to be healed by God. He asked Jesus to heal him and God did. This man and his wife now have a ministry and help similar people become sanctified in Jesus.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Inspiration: A businessman was able to disregard impure lusts when he first became a Christian as he was so immersed in the Bible feeding his mind on the Word of God. However, over the years, he got too busy to read the Bible. He also started watching immoral TV shows and movies which stirred up lustful thoughts. After being convicted of his sin, he recommitted his life to Christ, making a covenant with the Lord with his eyes that they would be focused on the Word of God.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher spoke on the definition of death in this scripture as spiritual separation from God. Christians will warn the lost “Don’t smoke or you will get cancer,” or “Don’t go in that river as it is contaminated.” However when it comes to sharing Jesus with the lost in order that they might avoid spiritual death, it seems most Christians are afraid to say anything.

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Inspiration For Monday, August 06, 2012

Inspiration: I am blessed to see many strong Christian marriages today. As I look at these marriages, I see many similarities. Each one of these Christian marriages have three things in common: 1) they go to church and serve God, 2) they have Bible reading and prayer times where the husband and wife pray together, 3) they act on what the Bible says where the wife guides the home and the husband takes the role as priest of the home.

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Inspiration For August 5, 2012

Inspiration: One person who really got my walk going with God was an eighteen year old mentally challenged boy. I was not a Christian at the time, but volunteered to spend some time helping the mentally challenged and play games with them. As I looked into this boy’s eyes, I could sense that he knew God better than I did. I could see the love of Jesus in him and it was so pure that it challenged me to search more for God’s love.

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