Inspiration For Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Inspiration: One person who really got my walk going with God was an eighteen year old mentally challenged boy. I was not a Christian at the time, but volunteered to spend some time helping the mentally challenged and play games with them. As I looked into this boy’s eyes, I could sense that he knew God better than I did. I could see the love of Jesus in him and it was so pure that it challenged me to search more for God’s love.

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Inspiration For Monday, February 04, 2013

Inspiration: A president of a Christian organization explained this scripture this way saying “Where do all gifts come from? Who made your brain? What makes your heart beat every second?” How can we boast of even the tinniest things when God has given us all things?

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Inspiration For Sunday, February 03, 2013

Inspiration: The apostle Paul is a good example of this scripture. He was constantly persecuted from city to city as told in the Book of Acts. More than forty men even made a pact not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. However, the Lord also delivered Paul safely out of that situation.

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Inspiration For Saturday, February 02, 2013

Inspiration: A newspaper advertisement designer, who was 40 years old at the time, was challenged to attend church. He had never attended any church before so he took up and challenge and went. At this church he committed his life to Jesus. After his conversion to Christ, he started diligently reading a proverb and five psalms a day. This helped him to cover all the psalms and proverbs each month. He then joined the choir and wanted to sing intimate love songs to Jesus. Speaking psalms and singing hymns has given him new strength in his life.

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Inspiration For Friday, February 01, 2013

Inspiration: A teenager questioned if Jesus was real and went to God in prayer and said: “Jesus, if you are real, reveal yourself to me!” She said she sensed Jesus revealing Himself to her and she committed her life to Him. She has been on fire for God ever since.

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Inspiration For Thursday, January 31, 2013

Inspiration: One evangelist and his team hold many crusades in Africa. During his outdoor meetings he preaches to thousands. Even witch doctors are hearing the gospel and committing their lives to Christ. In some of these meetings he has a metal furnace to burn things, and he instructs those former witch doctors to burn their evil books and potions. This is a good example of Jesus coming to destroy the work of the devil.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Inspiration: Many high schools teach “safe sex” to their students, but the underlying message to the students is that it is time to start having sex, just do it safely. I was excited to hear about some students of some high schools promoting “No sex till marriage.” These Christians were a great light to their peers. They were popular students so the other students had respect for them and listened to them.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Inspiration: A man said that as a six year old boy, he started reading the Bible each night. He said this habit of reading scripture helped keep him pure from sexual relationships as a teenager. When he was tempted, he would be able to look ahead at the future and see how this sin would wreck his life and his relationship with the Lord. He said it was the constant reading of Proverbs that helped him keep his sexual life under control.

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Inspiration For Monday, January 28, 2013

Inspiration: A body builder, who was saved and delivered from drugs, got hold of this scripture and has become a Christian leader praying for people to become free from addictions. A man who had been an alcoholic for seventeen years, came to this leader’s home for prayer. The body builder had trained his children in the ways of the Lord and his three year old child asked to pray for the alcoholic. As the child prayed, the power of God hit the man. He was delivered and set free from his alcoholism.

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Inspiration For Sunday, January 27, 2013

Inspiration: When I was going through a trying time in my life, a man prayed for me and said “God’s hand is on your life.” This helped me picture God’s hand on my head. I also thought about this scripture. God looks after the birds of the air so surely He looks after me. I am so thankful that God watches over His children so closely. My relationship with the Heavenly Father has taken on a new intimacy where I see Him holding my hand in every situation.

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Inspiration For Saturday, January 26, 2013

Inspiration: I committed my life to Jesus and wanted to mature in my walk with Him. As the years passed, He showed me that my compassion for others needed to grow. It was easy to love the lovable but what about those people who would always needle me, who were all set to get into an argument, and still others who would attack me. These were tests from the Lord that I needed to pass, as God was telling me to bless those who persecute me and pray for those who treat me poorly.

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Inspiration For Friday, January 25, 2013

Inspiration: One Christian said he wanted to burn brighter and brighter each day he was alive for Jesus. That thought blessed me as it got me thinking about always growing in the call God has for our lives which also enlightens our path.

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Inspiration For Thursday, January 24, 2013

Inspiration: A Bible teacher taught on discernment one day. He explained that thoughts come from three sources: 1. God, 2. the devil and 3. Self (you can generate your own thoughts or hear what others say.) This scripture can be used to analyze your thought life and immediately discern the source of a thought when it enters your mind. Casting down thoughts that exalt themselves against God helps keep the mind clear and peaceful in God’s direction. Hebrews 4:12 says the reading of the Word of God is needed to discern between right and wrong. We need to know what is right and wrong from God’s perspective.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Inspiration: I have had many poor people ask me for money. Some want money for food and some want money to promote their bad habits. Each time I give to the poor, there is an opportunity to share Jesus with them. For many, it was wiser to give them food rather than money as many of the poor cannot be trusted with money. Preaching the gospel was the most important thing they needed and I was able to pray with most of them. Poor people must learn that God does not want them to be poor as Deuteronomy Chapter 28 says poverty is a curse.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inspiration: A student did not want to forget God’s Word so he started memorizing scripture. He wrote out passages from scripture on small cards and reviewed them over and over. This helped build faith in his life as the scriptures were so ingrained in him that he would use them to help make all his decisions. They also helped guard against fear and anxiety.

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Inspiration For Monday, January 21, 2013

Inspiration: One church learned a lesson from this scripture during one service. The junior church leader did not consult the senior church leader. He asked some members of the congregation to play some special music for the service while the senior leader had brought in outside musicians. When two different musical groups arrived together before the service, everyone was in confusion.

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Inspiration For Sunday, January 20, 2013

Inspiration: When I read this scripture I promised to God I would not murmur. Little did I know that I was about to go through several years of financial testing with very little money coming in. On the days I felt like complaining, I would remember all the children of Israel (aged 20 and over) who, except for Joshua and Caleb, died in the wilderness because of their unbelief. I resolved to be like Joshua and Caleb and not to doubt God’s promises in His Word. It was my prayer time that gave me the insight to realize that God was watching over me, and I that I needed to trust Him to meet my daily needs .

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Inspiration For Saturday, January 19, 2013

Inspiration: A Christian was dying in hospital after having been hit by a car. His church leader went to the hospital to pray for him. On the way God spoke to this leader and said, “This man will die unless he changes the vision of his life.” When the leader spoke to the sick man, he asked him what vision he saw of himself. The sick man said: “I am dying.” The leader prayed and asked him to see God’s vision for his life. The sick man said: ” I see it now, I will live.” The sick man was healed by Jesus.

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Inspiration For Friday, January 18, 2013

Inspiration: A United Nations delegate told us what it means to be a country’s ambassador. He said you always represent your home country even though you do not live there. He explained how similarly, Christians are to represent God instead of themselves. Their real homeland is heaven, but they have been given a space of time to evangelize the planet earth.

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Inspiration For Thursday, January 17, 2013

Inspiration: The Holy Spirit used this scripture to really convict me of the need for more holiness in my life. It was at a time that I had added too many things to my daily schedule and got too busy for daily Bible study which over a period of time caused me to start falling in love with the world instead of God’s call for my life. I repented of my sin and knew from this mistake that I must always keep on, daily, studying the Bible to grow in faith or else my faith would dwindle. It also helped me see healing in a new light. If the Holy Spirit was dwelling in me and my body was the temple of God, then disease would not be welcome in God’s temple.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Inspiration: A missionary couple from the Philippines spoke at our church. They proved this scripture is true as they have been doing missionary work for twenty years and God has blessed them with seven children, all of whom are training to become missionaries. They are all hungry to help the lost come to Jesus.

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Inspiration For Monday, January 14, 2013

Inspiration: One Christian leader was dying of tuberculosis and although many were praying for him he got steadily worse. He had to stop his ministry and move in with his parents as he was getting weaker and weaker. As he was close to death, he said to himself “I am going to walk outside to a certain tree and praise God.” He was so weak he could hardy walk, but he kept praising God and God’s power started to heal him. It wasn’t long before he was totally healed, all from praising God.

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Inspiration For Sunday, January 13, 2013

Inspiration: We were sharing Jesus in the poor areas of town when we came across a lady who had polio for the last 42 years as she contracted the disease when she was a baby. Polio had struck her arm which made it very skinny and her hand was like a claw which could not pick up anything. We prayed for her and Jesus healed her polio before our eyes. We visited her again and she showed us the miracle as she was holding a potato in her healed hand, something she had never done before in her life.

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Inspiration For Saturday, January 12, 2013

Inspiration: A truck driver was driving his truck in the right lane on the highway when a small car from the far left lane made a four-lane change and crashed into his truck at high speed. The truck driver stopped and ran over to the car and saw that the driver was dead since he was not breathing. The truck driver was a Christian and prayed “Jesus if this man is going to hell, I command him to come back to life.” The man in the car then coughed and started breathing. He was taken to hospital and later received Jesus into his heart.

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Inspiration For Friday, January 11, 2013

Inspiration: A man in his twenties dedicated his life to the Lord and wanted all God had in store for him. He asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and for all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Corinthians Chapter 12) to operate through him as God willed. Over the years, these gifts of the Holy Spirit have come on this man to advance God’s Kingdom. This man gives all the glory to God since it is the Holy Spirit at work and not his own abilities.

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Inspiration For Thursday, January 10, 2013

Inspiration: A Christian farmer who tithed to the Lord, lived between two farmers who did not tithe. All these farmers had the same crop. One year a swarm of locusts came and ate the crops on the first farmer’s field, flew over the Christian’s field in the middle and continued eating the farmer’s crops on the other side. The farmers were amazed at how the field in the middle had not been touched by the locusts. The Christian said God protected him because he tithed generously to the Lord.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Inspiration: A Muslim was sick and dying in hospital. He cried out to Allah and Mohammed to heal him but got no answer. Then he cried out to Jesus and he was miraculously healed. Through this miracle, this man committed his life to Jesus. He and his wife now travel all around the world praying for the sick and teaching people that Jesus is the only access to heaven.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Inspiration: A woman was abandoned by her husband, leaving her to raise two children by herself. For over ten years she had no husband but learned to trust the Lord. Her great desire was to find a husband that would never leave her, and she wrote this prayer request in her diary. A Christian man who was a widower for many years started journalizing his prayer requests. Later on, God linked up these two people in marriage and they compared their journals to prove this scripture verse is true.

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Inspiration For Monday, January 07, 2013

Inspiration: I have observed politicians cutting down their opponents and I became so discouraged at this behavior that I stopped paying attention to politics in general. This was wrong on my part. I now realize that if Christians are not encouraged to run for political offices, then non-Christians will run the country. I need to pray for all leaders to work as a team to build God’s ways into government policy.

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Inspiration For Sunday, January 06, 2013

Inspiration: A school friend ridiculed Christians for having too much money since he saw money as greed. This friend did not realize that God wanted to bless His children in all ways so that they could be more effective for His Kingdom’s work. Greed can be conquered with Jesus’ help and replaced with a passion to use the extra money to win souls to Christ.

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Inspiration For Thursday, January 03, 2013

Inspiration: A doctor always thought God was constantly upset with mankind for their sins and was out to punish people for every mistake they made. As he started reading the scriptures, he realized that God was so loving in character, He sent His only Son Jesus to die for us so that we should receive eternal life. This doctor has now given his life to Jesus.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Inspiration: A man was involved in a world wide crime organization for decades. In lhis 40s he felt empty inside and was thinking of committing suicide. He grew up never knowing the love of a father. He was asked to attend church and there the church leader looked into his eyes and said he saw a boy who had never been loved. This criminal met with the church leader later and the power of God fell on him and received Jesus into his heart. He felt God tell him that he would be protected. After he got out of prison, he now goes to prisons and travels around the world preaching about Jesus. His bad past was cleansed in Jesus’ blood.

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Inspiration For Monday, December 31, 2012

Inspiration: A prototype of this calendar was on a doctor’s desk lying open to this day’s scripture. As the patient read the scripture, she burst into tears because she felt that God was comforting her and telling her that He would always be with her. The doctor gave her the calendar since he saw that she was so blessed by it. This doctor and his wife have helped distribute this calendar so that God’s Kingdom would be advanced.

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Inspiration For Sunday, December 30, 2012

Inspiration: More and more events for children are run on weekends and parents seem to be taking their children to these events and skipping going to church. Other people have to work at their jobs during church service times. However, the real issue is that there is always time to go to church, even if it is a mid week service.

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Inspiration For Saturday, December 29, 2012

Inspiration: A man from Africa shared a story about Jesus’ protection and living by faith. As a boy, he was walking through the woods in his country one day when a boa constrictor fell down from a tree on top of him and quickly wrapped itself around his body to squeeze him to death. He was so scared all he could do was to call on the name of the Lord. As he said the word “Jesus,” the snake started to unwind itself from his body and slithered off. There was no one else around so he knew Jesus rescued him.

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Inspiration For Friday, December 28, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher said that all Christians are in the Ministry whether you are a home-maker, a nurse, a plumber or in the business world. All of us are not called to be in the public speaking ministry but all of us can work one on one with people, helping them to be reconciled to Jesus and teaching them to become disciples.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Inspiration: An Accounts Manager wanted to buy a house since he was in a small apartment. God gave him a vision of a house with a stop sign in front of it. The stop sign covered half the house. The Holy Spirit put on his heart to prepare for Bible College and not to buy the house. At the time he left for Bible College, he looked at the Real Estate market and found the whole economy was down. He praised God he did not buy that house but used the money for Bible College instead.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Inspiration: I get so blessed to see families that truly worship God at Christmas and don’t get caught up with Santa Claus and Frosty the Snowman. I was in a house one time when a video on the life of Jesus was put on the TV. When the four year old daughter saw Jesus (in the video) on TV, she danced all over the room saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and then ran to the TV set and kissed the screen thinking she was kissing Jesus. This was true worship that not only blessed me but I am sure blessed God also.

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Inspiration For Monday, December 24, 2012

Inspiration: Many Christians today live in safe environments where their lives are not threatened on a daily basis. I spent a lot of time at Bible College with a man from Bagdad, Iraq. He became a Christian during the Gulf War in the early 1990s. He told me what it is like to live in Iraq. I pray for him since his life is in danger now that he has completed Bible College and is back in the Middle East.

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Inspiration For Sunday, December 23, 2012

Inspiration: One leader said “Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before someone has heard it once.” Too many churches are so inwardly focused they never share the good news with new people. I am blessed to see how God has used missionaries in places like South Korea that was mostly Buddhist and now has some of the largest Christian churches in the world.

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Inspiration For Friday, December 21, 2012

Inspiration: I was so blessed to hear the headquarters of one Christian denomination was going over to the headquarters of another Christian denomination to build unity and show humility. Most people do not understand this scripture, but when it is accomplished, pride is destroyed and a new friendship is born out of servanthood.

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Inspiration For Thursday, December 20, 2012

Inspiration: In today’s fast paced society, our prayer life can be ineffective as our minds race around with different thoughts. I have to pray for a long while before my thoughts quiet down and I can be still before God. I have made the mistake of answering my phone in the middle of my prayer time and find distractions can stir up my mind and I have to spend a while getting my mind quiet before the Lord again.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Inspiration: A worship leader wrote a song about Jesus giving His life for us. These lyrics revealed: Jesus being spat upon, struck in the face, mocked and crowned with thorns. The song goes on to tell about the lashes ripping open His back, the nails driven through His hands and feet, and the agony of hanging on the cross, in humility, pain, and suffering while taking on our sins. The song ends with a triumphant phrase that the tomb is empty and that Jesus has resurrected from the dead! People need to visualize the price Jesus paid in laying down His life for us as well as the joy that He is alive today ready to talk to us!

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Inspiration For Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inspiration: One Christian had a vision of unity. The vision had each member of the Christian team coming from a different Catholic and Protestant denomination. The denomination name was on the back of each sweater. Jesus was the captain of the Christian team and said “I have already won the victory for you on the cross, so go out and claim your victory.” Devils made up the opposing team. Each member of the Christian team appreciated each other as they needed to work together to claim the victory against the opposition. Each Christian team member knew they were like soldiers on the same side. They were God’s army.

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Inspiration For Monday, December 17, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher spoke on the gift of tongues, interpretation and prophecy. The teacher explained that these words from God are not generated in your head but are from the Spirit of God talking to your spirit. Young Christians often can not distinguish between their own thoughts and God’s thoughts as they have not studied enough of God’s Word (the Bible) and have not been taught on the discerning of spirits. Mature Christians hear from their heart and are not swayed by wrong emotions.

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Inspiration For Sunday, December 16, 2012

Inspiration: In recent days there has been more teaching on prayer and intercession as people are learning to pray in the Holy Spirit. This type of prayer is very powerful as some churches started to pray and intercede for their city to stop the gang violence and crime and to bring the power of God to their city. A drug dealer was on his way to kill someone, and as he was going by one of these churchs, he felt compelled to pull into the parking lot. He didn’t know what was overcoming him and he went inside the church while the service was on and he gave his life to Jesus. This drug dealer then confessed his sins to the police.

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Inspiration For Saturday, December 15, 2012

Inspiration: God spoke to a salesman and called him to Bible College. He had been with a big firm for seven years and was one of the company’s top salesmen. This man wanted God’s work and witness to be continued at this company. He set up a meeting with five other Christians where he worked, and told them that he was leaving for Bible College. He passed on the torch to them and said to them that they were to carry on being Jesus’ light in the workplace.

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Inspiration For Friday, December 14, 2012

Inspiration: This scripture is helpful for choirs and musicians as many of them get over anxious, making sure every note is in tune and played correctly. This self centeredness makes it hard for people to spontaneously bow their knee to Jesus during worship because they are more concerned what other think than what Jesus thinks. On the other hand, I have been in a service where everyone was humbly and passionately worshipping Jesus when a glory cloud (similar to what is described in the Old Testament) appeared in the church and was seen by all. We all knew this was from God as His power was evident.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Inspiration: This scripture says Jesus came full of grace and truth. The Holy Spirit came on Jesus and also on people in the book of Acts where it is written that some of the disciples were full of the Holy Spirit. Today I find all Christians, including myself, need refilling. We need to attend a strong church that can refill us with God’s power.

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Inspiration For Monday, December 10, 2012

Inspiration: Many women have a problem with the word ‘submit’ in this scripture and many men have a problem with loving their wives as Jesus loves the church. However Christian counselors help explain that submitting does not mean for the wife to be a doormat but to submit to the husband’s role of priest in the home. If the husband takes this role and loves and cherishes his wife, couples can flow together in their God given roles.

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Inspiration For Sunday, December 09, 2012

Inspiration: Many models were asked the question “Is there any part of you that you are unhappy with?” and most of these beautiful women said, “Yes, there is.” Even though everyone thought they were gorgeous, these models were still not happy since they did not have Jesus in their hearts. In the Bible, Esther saw that her gift of beauty was from the Lord and was to be used for God’s plan to deliver Israel. Esther was obedient to God and the Israelites were rescued.

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Inspiration For Saturday, December 08, 2012

Inspiration: A church leader was sharing about the problem of child kidnapping in the Philippines. One day one man’s young daughter was kidnapped. The church prayed for two weeks and the father was so stressed out that he was ready to admit himself into hospital. Just then the kidnappers released the daughter and no harm had been done to her. There was great joy in this answer to prayer, as the daughter was returned home.

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Inspiration For Friday, December 07, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher told us the difference between Christianity and other world religions. He said the world religions are based on doing certain rituals or believing in some leader who is dead and buried. Christianity is very different. Jesus Christ is God’s only Son sent beacuse God loved the world so much. Jesus lived life without sin, and laid down His life to be the sacrificial offering to redeem all man’s sins. Jesus’s resurrection from the dead proved eternal life. Christianity is not a set of rituals but a personal relationship with God where Jesus loves us constantly and unconditionally and sins are forgiven.

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Inspiration For Thursday, December 06, 2012

Inspiration: I had just sat down at my friend’s dinner table when two drunks pulled up in the driveway. They knocked on the door and asked to use the restroom. We saw this as a opportunity to witness to them so my friend took one of them outside to share Jesus with him and I took the other into the kitchen. As I prayed with the one in the kitchen, God sobered him up and he started to cry. I led him in prayer to ask Jesus into his life. We got their phone number to follow up with them and I was able to take one of them to church. We praised God to hear that that the other man had given up drinking after that very night.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Inspiration: This is a great scripture for those who think that they can earn their way into heaven by their good works. Today’s society is so performance orientated that people assume that this is God’s way also. One lady had been heading up organizations in her church for decades and thought she could earn entrance into heaven by all her church work. After she saw that she had to respond to Jesus Christ by faith, she came into a new personal relationship with Jesus committing her life totally to Him.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Inspiration: Perception is reality for most people. Some see only the negative side of life. Their glass is half empty while another’s glass is half full. Negative people often are prejudiced against everyone in every situation. I was in a business meeting where everyone heard an inspired message but this negative person did not hear or see anything hopeful at all. It is these people that especially need the light of Jesus Christ to change their vision and let them see things clearly, the way God sees them.

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Inspiration For Monday, December 03, 2012

Inspiration: A church leader was in a motel room preparing to bring the Word of God to Japan. Suddenly he felt a tremendous fear on him to the point that he was frozen. He remembered this scripture and started praying. Eventually the fear left him and he was filled with peace and the presence of God. This church leader teaches that you must speak scriptures when the devil tries to derail you.

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Inspiration For Sunday, December 02, 2012

Inspiration: A grandmother prayed the blood of Jesus over her family. She was praying for her daughter and granddaughter on the day of a terrorist attack. Her daughter worked on an upper floor of a building and her granddaughter was in Day Care on the second floor of the same building. Ten minutes before the bomb went off, the daugher had to take the granddaughter home because she was acting up. As the daughter was driving home with her child, the bomb went off killing many people in that building.

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Inspiration For Saturday, December 01, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher was speaking on the subject of why mankind is such a unique creation compared to the rest of the animals God created. Not only was mankind created in God’s image, but God gave us the ability to reason and to choose, even the ability to reject the one who created us. That is why mankind must make the choice on their eternal destination.

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Inspiration For Friday, November 30, 2012

Inspiration: Bible teachers define these as: a word of wisdom is wisdom from God for a situation, a word of knowledge is God revealing a fact, the gift of faith is God’s faith given to you in a situation to do the impossible, gifts of healing are for specific healings, working of miracles are instructions how you are to work a miracle, prophecy is God speaking through someone in the common language of the congregation, discerning of spirits is understanding spiritual warfare, tongues is God speaking in a language unknown to the congregation, and interpretation is God interpreting a tongue into the common language of the congregation.

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Inspiration For Thursday, November 29, 2012

Inspiration: I grew up going to church each week but did not know much about the Holy Spirit and had no clue what the word anointing meant. As I started to study the Bible I learned that the Holy Spirit is a person, not an it, and is sent by Jesus to be the power source on earth. Now, I realize that those churches who regularly have healing services where people get healed, operate under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and have church leaders that listen and obey the Holy Spirit’s directions.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Inspiration: I have noticed that very few people can tell you what the sermon was all about, one day or one week after it is given. Even prophecies that are given in church are forgotten by people the moment they leave the church. The wise people I see are the ones that takes notes and discuss the sermon at meal times. This helps them remember the Word of God which was spoken.

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Inspiration For Monday, November 26, 2012

Inspiration: When we were asked to memorize these nine fruits of the spirit, long-suffering was the one I knew I needed the most work on. Living in a society today where everyone wants immediate answers, I found myself not willing to suffer long. It seemed as a young Christian, God would answer my prayers more quickly but as I grew older, He wanted to produce this fruit in me.

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Inspiration For Sunday, November 25, 2012

Inspiration: One church leader asked his congregation to pray before each service. Usually the congregation did not pray or intercede much before the service began. However, after following the church leader’s advice, they noticed a difference. The Holy Spirit’s power seemed much more tangible and more people came forward to the altar to receive miracles from Jesus.

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Inspiration For Saturday, November 24, 2012

Inspiration: A truck driver had a rough upbringing as his father said to him “You’ll never amount to anything!” This produced unforgiveness which tormented this truck driver causing him to drink heavily. In his twenties, he had no self esteem and went downhill to the point of committing suicide. Just before taking his life he heard someone talk about Jesus on the TV. He got on his knees and asked Jesus to save him. He has become an on-fire Christian and has forgiven his father.

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Inspiration For Friday, November 23, 2012

Inspiration: A wife was ready to give up on her alcoholic husband but God spoke to her to pray for him. Her two young daughters started to pray over their Daddy’s beer in the refrigerator. When the father came home he went straight to the refrigerator for his beer. He drank the first sip and then spat it out thinking it was bad. He went down to the local bar and ordered a drink and even that tasted bad. The family kept praying and three months later, this husband got on his knees and gave his life to Christ.

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Inspiration For Thursday, November 22, 2012

Inspiration: The president of a Bible College said that the best sermon you will ever preach is just to tell people how Jesus saved you. I practiced writing out my own story of how I became a Christian and how Jesus changed my life. I memorized a five minute version of my story to share with some people who are interested and a 30 second version of my story for the person who shows little interest. I learned that sharing Jesus becomes easier the more you do it.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Inspiration: Statistics from the churches show that over 95% of the average congregation have never led one person to Jesus. This is because they have never been trained how to share their faith and overcome their fears. I am overjoyed to see more and more Christian literature that teaches people how to receive Jesus into their hearts. Those who are too nervous to share their faith with others can give the lost person some Christian literature to read and invite these people to church.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Inspiration: I was involved in a missionary organization for years and we would always fast before a mission. When I read Isaiah 58, I really saw the power of fasting as it was to break the enemy’s stronghold, and bring people’s hearts closer to Jesus. On one mission it seemed like everything was against us, but after fasting there was a breakthrough and many gave their lives to Christ.

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Inspiration For Monday, November 19, 2012

Inspiration: One Bible teacher was talking about winning souls, and that Jesus left the 99 sheep and went searching for one that was lost. The teacher went on to say that winning souls is God’s top priority as Jesus wants all to be saved and none to perish. This teacher said, unfortunately, most Christians are not really concerned with the lost.

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Inspiration For Sunday, November 18, 2012

Inspiration: This scripture has been such a blessing to me in the time of trials. When I was going through these times, I would think that if God was looking after the sparrows, surely He was watching over me. As I pondered on the fact that God had counted all the hairs on my head, and that He knew all my thoughts, desires and struggles, I had complete reassurance that I was going to pull through the trial.

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Inspiration For Saturday, November 17, 2012

Inspiration: A Bible teacher was teaching on words. He said they are spiritual containers. Picture them like jars. If scripture is spoken, these spiritual jars carry faith, hope, love and healing to a person or nation and that jar is poured out on the recipient. The power of the words comes from a person who is submitted to the authority of Jesus Christ, and speaks the words with belief and authority in Jesus’ name.

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Inspiration For Friday, November 16, 2012

Inspiration: I used to work with youth on retreat weekends and they would talk about peer pressures of sex, drugs, alcohol, and dressing to fit in and be accepted. A girl in our group shared a story with us. She said one day her high school teacher was discussing of sex education and asked the students about sex. This girl stood up in front of the whole class and said “Sex is only for marriage so keep yourself a virgin.” She was ridiculed by some students; however, this girl was really used by God.

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Inspiration For Thursday, November 15, 2012

Inspiration: On a mission trip, one of the local church leaders spoke of the tribulation they went through in a war. This church leader had a vision of all his village being killed. He told everyone to pray. The enemy came three times to attack the village but Jesus protected them each time. The church leader said on one of the attacks, God confused the enemy so that, although they did land right on their shores, the enemy said to each other, “This is not the correct place..” and left.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Inspiration: A software developer I worked with was a great example of God’s light in the business world. She was born in China and came to school in America. Christians on the school campus shared Jesus with her and she committed her life to Jesus. After graduating and coming to work at our firm, she was willing to share how she was raised as a Confucian, and later became a Christian. She was gentle and kind in her words, always thinking of others and remembering their birthdays.

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Inspiration For Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Inspiration: When I first got saved, I was convicted by God that I said many things that were displeasing to Him. Not only did I participate in dirty jokes but I used to be very sarcastic. I also was very judgmental and critical of others. God showed me that I needed to ask His Holy Spirit to help make me more holy as I couldn’t fix these problem areas in my life by myself.

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Inspiration For Sunday, November 11, 2012

Inspiration: A Christian owned a taxi business that wasn’t making money. He wanted to sell it but the Lord wanted him to keep the business to make a Christian impact on the city. He was financially tested for a long time, and learned to trust the Lord with this business. He endured this financial struggle and God has blessed him richly today.

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Inspiration For Friday, November 09, 2012

Inspiration: Stock market crashes and terrorist attacks can have a major impact on the wealth of the rich. This scripture clearly teaches people not to trust in riches but in God. One Bible teacher talks about investments. Instead of talking to people about a 10% gain in stock or a 20% gain in property, he asks them to consider investing in the Kingdom of God which has eternal pay backs. The rich need to remember that strong minds and strong families are gifts from God. A rich person becomes a tremendous blessing to God when they use their resources to bring the gospel and a Bible to every person in the world to learn of Christ.

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Inspiration For Monday, November 05, 2012

Inspiration: An atheist saw a model of the sun and the planets on the professor’s desk and said to the professor: “That is an amazing replica of our solar system. Who made it?” The professor said “No one.” The atheist said “Come on, that model is so good, I want to know who made it?” The professor said “You believe that someone made this tiny model but you cannot believe God made our solar system in which we live.” This example can help all of us remember that God is the creator of all life. Some people get into confusion about how old the earth is but the bottom line is, that does not matter. God made it.

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Inspiration For Sunday, November 04, 2012

Inspiration: One sales woman said she was not going to get close to God until she was ready to die. She didn’t realize the true abundant life in Jesus was waiting for her now. She would have the ability to do so much more for Jesus during her lifetime and this scripture says she would be rewarded in heaven for her work on earth.

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Inspiration For Saturday, November 03, 2012

Inspiration: The Bible shares God’s will in many places but some areas are revealed by prayer. For example, one man was considering going to Bible College. Some students from a Bible College came to visit this man’s church and participated in the service. After the service, one of the students put a Bible school application form in this man’s hand and said pray about it. This was the confirmation he needed to go to Bible College.

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Inspiration For Friday, November 02, 2012

Inspiration: At the time of writing this calendar, I bowed down and knelt before the Lord, asking God to give me words to help set people’s faith on fire, for them to get a vision of the purpose for their lives, and by prayer would become ambassadors for Christ. Worship is the source of my strength for it helps stir up my passion for Jesus, and for the love of God to spill out of me onto others, and the lost.

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Inspiration For Thursday, November 01, 2012

Inspiration: At Bible College, we learned not to judge the teachers by their preaching style (loud or soft) or by their clothes (dreary or fancy) or by their mannerisms (flamboyant or non-emotional) but to judge the words that they say. So often people are prejudiced against others to the point that they switch them off before they hear what they have to say. Most Christians feel their church is the best since it is what they are accustomed to.

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Inspiration For Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Inspiration: An engineer and his wife who are also evangelists, shared that God gives them names and facts about people they have never met when they pray. One time while they were at a gas station, God told them some facts about another customer that was filling his tank at that gas station. They walked up to the man and said: “Are you so and so?” “Yes” answered the man obviously puzzled. They went on to tell him some facts about his life. The man saw that God must be talking to him through this couple so he responded to God and asked Jesus into his life as the couple prayed with him to dedicate his life to God.

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Inspiration For Monday, October 29, 2012

Inspiration: A youth group gave our leader an offering of $500 cash in a sealed envelope but never told him how much it was. When building a church in Mexico, our leader was short of some materials so he went to the big city to buy them. The seller said the materials would cost about $500. Our leader had forgotten his wallet but did have the youth offering. He took out the sealed envelope and said: “This should cover it!” not knowing how much was inside. The vendor counted the money and it just covered the cost. He taught us not to waiver in faith or it could cost you. His common expression was “If you doubt, you will do without!”

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Inspiration For Sunday, October 28, 2012

Inspiration: “Will there ever be world peace?” was a question that came up at our dinner table and a guest answered: “How can one have peace if one doesn’t have Jesus, the Prince of Peace in one’s heart.” My guest had a good point. Not only is world evangelism needed, but personal peace in one’s own heart needs to be emphasized. We all need to pray for each country’s ambassadors that they will become Christians and promote peace among the nations.

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Inspiration For Saturday, October 27, 2012

Inspiration: One church leader constantly gives God glory during his services. In one service, I watched a seven year old mentally challenged boy get healed and start talking normally. His parents said their son had never spoken a word in his life. Then this church leader gave the microphone to this boy and asked him to sing the song “Jesus loves me.” The boy sang the song perfectly. I was in tears of joy and felt God’s power while the boy sang. God got all the glory as skeptics could not say this was fake.

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