Discussion Questions For Sunday, May 12, 2013

Discussion Questions: What if you were born into a poor family in a poor country, how would your wealth differ compared to what you have now? Who is it that gives people power to gain wealth? For what purpose does God give people great minds and great riches? Do you enjoy giving your riches for Christ’s needs?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Discussion Questions: One of the strongest church vision/mission statements I have seen is: “Helping people grow in their personal relationship with Jesus.” How can you help your leader with your church’s vision/mission statement?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Discussion Questions: How do you identify yourself with the disciples? Are you a doubter like Thomas who needs physical proof? Are you like one of the Marys who ran to the tomb early on Easter Morning? Are you like Peter who was ready to get out of the boat and walk on water?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Saturday, April 20, 2013

Discussion Questions: In the first few chapters of the book of Acts (in the Bible), how did this baptism of the Holy Spirit change the disciples, as in John 20:19, it says the disciples were in fear of the Jews?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Discussion Questions: When was the last time you went to pray for the sick? When was the last time you fed the poor or sent a donation for them? When was the last time you shared with a lost person to bring them to Jesus?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Sunday, April 14, 2013

Discussion Questions: Do you see yourself as a victorious person in Jesus or as defeated person? Do past hurts, fears and rejections hinder you from moving forward in faith? How can you start living a victorious life?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Saturday, April 13, 2013

Discussion Questions: Do you give out advice before praying to God and asking for insight? Are you able to deliver advice in a way people will receive it, or do you ram it down their throats? How can you be more loving and accepting?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Discussion Questions: The rich countries do not see miracles like these because of their unbelief and trust in money and full grocery stores. If your country’s economy collapsed and you had no food, could you believe that God would feed you and your family? Take time to think how you would react in such a situation.

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Sunday, April 07, 2013

Discussion Questions: Some are called to witness: 1. In Jerusalem (your city), 2. In Judea, (outside your city), 3. In Samaria (all over your country) and 4. In the uttermost parts of the globe. In which of these four areas are you sharing Jesus?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Friday, April 05, 2013

Discussion Questions: Some people say they can’t carry a tune so they don’t sing to God. How can you encourage them to worship God anyway regardless of tune? Have you considered how the birds sing every morning?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Thursday, April 04, 2013

Discussion Questions: When you pray, have you ever seen Jesus’ face? Do you picture Him in the midst of your group? Do you believe He is answering your requests and trying to speak to you also? How do you wait quietly for Him to speak to your heart?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Monday, April 01, 2013

Discussion Questions: Accountability is something that helps the Christian stay on track by making themselves accountable to their prayer partner. How can you encourage accountability among Christians and non-Christians?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Saturday, March 16, 2013

Discussion Questions: Have you ever done a study on the Book of Acts to see how God’s love is taken to different countries? Would you be willing to go on a mission trip? How can you finance others to go on mission trips?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Monday, March 11, 2013

Discussion Questions: Bad habits can be conquered by fasting more often. How often do you spend a day in fasting and prayer to conquer these bad habits so you can say “NO” in Jesus’ name when evil thoughts tempt you?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Discussion Questions: Many church people feel it is someone else’s job to visit jails, hospitals and nursing homes. How can you encourage the people of the church to go to these places if called upon? Is going once too much to ask?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Monday, March 04, 2013

Discussion Questions: If God wanted to remove the impurities from your life, what activities would you stop doing? When an impure thought crosses your mind, do you ponder on it a long time? Could you be more discerning in saying “that’s not my thought” casting it away the moment it enters your mind?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Thursday, February 21, 2013

Discussion Questions: If you had Jesus go with you everywhere you went, and watched everything you watched, would there be any activities that you would stop doing since you would see Jesus being displeased?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Discussion Questions: Are there times when you feel your faith is being tested? Are you able to see the bigger picture that God has His hand on your life and He just wants you to trust Him? How can you trust him more?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .

Discussion Questions For Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Discussion Questions: Presidents or founders of organizations bring things into existence by speaking and believing in a vision. How do you apply these same principles in a Christian manner to believe in miracles for your life?

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .